Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Shared Lives, Shared Christ"

from a (paper only) article in the Fall 2010 Pastors' Edition (wrapper) of NAMB's On Mission magazine.

"Rather than trying to find a dozen isolated families who would need o be taught the value of intimacy and fellowship, God led us tom pray for an existing community that we could infiltrate with the Gospel."
"a group of Saturday morning runners...local softball shop book club...bowling scrambles...Rotary Clubs...weekly scrap booking parties...all became matters of prayer."
What God led them to:  "Through our two families of peace we found an existing community... I'd never seen anything like it... It looked like a scene from 'Leave It To Beaver' or 'The Andy Griffieth Show.'  THe entire street knew each other, liked each other and spent time daily with one another."
Now:  "We have had, at times, nin families from this neighborhood partner with with our church (?), and several other families on the street have visited as friends.  We have seen salvation and life transformation within this small harvest."

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