Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brian McClaren (sp?) Podcast

Just listened to Off the Map Production’s podcast “A Generous Heart Toward The Powerless With Brian McLaren.” McClaren’s speaking bout violence and power, is pretty heady but gave me some new thoughts to chew on regarding the Sermon on the Mount and even the atonement. His take on the Sermon on the Mount havig much to do with power and how to confront it was interesting. At the end he asks if he can “get political” and makes some interesting connections between this new take on atonement and what it might mean for a better way to confront violence and specifically terrorism. “Just War” theory is discussed some too. I’m not enough of a theologian to know if I should fully endorse what all McClaren says here, but I can say it is interesting and seems to be offered in a Christ-like spirit. If you listen to it, comment below and let everyone know what you go tout of it.

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